Do it now or later? Timing our decisions can be challenging

I have made many mistakes when it comes to decisions and had to learn the hard way how costly it can be. I estimate well over a million dollars worth of mistakes.

So what can I share with you about what I have learned that can help you learn quicker? I believe we all have to make mistakes – we seem to learn more quickly and meaningfully through experience.

There is nothing like the true intensity of pleasure and pain to register a lesson, don’t you think? Nevertheless, learning from other people is always something we should add to our process of learning.

Let’s begin with the rushing to make a decision problem. This impulsive side can be very costly. I have made most of my mistakes on this side.

I have come to learn the following about rushing: – 

The brain is tricked into thinking the opportunity is a once in a lifetime – that is never the case. Opportunities flow like a river – just listen to the scam artists and you will realise that.

We also think that it’s disrespectful to reject someone who is passionate about what they are sharing. This placed undue pressure on me to make a decision in their favour rather than mine. Being a people pleaser can sure be draining emotionally and financially if you are not careful.

Rushing takes away the research and the process of gathering critical details. If you are not in the mood for the details, you are literally gambling and I am blown away by how little of that type of investment pays off. You would think you would fluke a few good ones. The chances of winning when you rush your decisions are so minimal, you are sooner going to win the lottery. I have a trail of hard luck stories to back that one up.

This is what I recommend about procrastinating: – 

It is one thing to rush a decision but not making a decision at all is just as bad. When looking at a situation or opportunity, we need to be decisive, but we also need to be clear about what information is relevant so that we move through a timely process so that the decision made is calculated and its effectiveness is maximised while risks are minimised.

It’s rare that a decision is black and white, yes or no. it usually is about the terms and conditions around that decision. Hence we need to know what we stand for. If you really know what you want in an outcome, then you are going to be better equipped with the questions to ask and the ability to recognise all the relevant information to guide you. The information and answers you receive are going to be better understood and scrutinised if you know where you stand and the principles and values that are helping you evaluate your options.

Where have you leaned? On the rush or procrastination side? Have you come to the middle enough lately? Please share how you have gained your wisdom from your experiences.


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