7 “Being” Rules when Serving Customers (I developed this to share with a business client last Friday – thought to share it with my business friends on here and LinkedIn
1. Be Personal – Know their name and be interested in them as a person.
2. Be Passionate – Don’t process them. Be eager to go beyond the normal.
3. Be Caring – Understand and empathise with their situation.
4. Be Perceptive – Make sure you have fully understood their needs.
5. Be Knowledgeable – Give sound advice and effective solutions and options.
6. Be Clear – Be mindful of how you’re being received and adapt your communication.
7. Be Confident – Feel you’re trusted, giving great value and assume their willingness to engage the next step.
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George Helou has 15 years personal development and life coaching experience and a two time best selling author.For more information on Perth based and online Life Coaching service and his EP7 Empowered for Purpose Coaching program visit www.lifecoachperth.com or call (+618) 9380 8350