If you decide to begin the EP7 journey, we want you to know some home truths based on our experience in taking several hundred clients through the EP7 Reinvent You Coaching Program.
Firstly, the EP7 process is very consistent. You are introduced to vital concepts and tools in a specific order to help you build a new foundation to thrive. As we follow this process, where necessary, a lot of healing takes place.
Over many years, we have personally seen how anger, depression, anxiety and disillusionment can melt away and be replaced with self-belief, motivation and peak performance for true purpose. As coaches, we have witnessed this exhilarating journey first hand with so many clients and it truly is the richest experience we can think of that anyone could have. It’s difficult to find the words to describe the beauty of someone transforming before your eyes and reclaiming their own power, their flow and most of all, their purpose!
In saying this, there is a defining factor that will decide what and how much you will experience from doing EP7 and the coaching program overall. And yes, you probably guessed it: it is you!
Some clients have treated EP7 as something they reluctantly need to do, as a quick fix to get out of the struggle and pain of stubborn situations. Others only chose to do it because their parents or employer paid for it. So, they follow the process in obligation instead of passion, and therefore without prioritising the work. In doing this, they don’t engage deeply, and consequently they miss the opportunity to transform in significant ways in the areas that matter most.
They do as little as possible and rush their exercises at the last minute before the start of each session, which does not help the cause. We do our best to help motivate them to break this habit, and many do, but some don’t. This is the reason why we are reaching out to you in this note. We want to bring to your attention this vital fork in the road, before we begin this powerful journey.
We don’t want you to be one of those who has committed financially, but does not realise the importance of committing emotionally. At EP7, our true purpose is to help you make the difference you need and whatever it takes to prepare you to meet and even exceed your expectations. We are here to do that. Many people have expressed their disbelief at how their changes happened so quickly.
So, we reach out to you now with a promise: if we prioritise your needs during EP7 and you do the agreed work, you are going to have the most amazing mental and emotional shifts that will change your life and future, in the most meaningful and profound ways!
It will be our honour to help you, Reinvent You.
Sincerely yours,
George Helou and the EP7 Team