Dear Limitation,
I honestly can say I now know that it wasn’t you, it was me.
I am so sorry for overburdening you with being the answer to my life. You had a place to protect me but I made you my everything and that doesn’t make for a healthy relationship. I understand that now.
If only I sat with you and listened to your purpose for me and us. If only I realised what you were trying to say. I was suffocating you wasn’t I? Yeah, I get that now. I need to have my dreams too and you needed space to be yourself without needing to engage every part of my life.
You asked if we could just be great friends. That crushed me and made me feel so rejected and anxious. I honestly thought I couldn’t live without you constantly by my side, making all my decisions for me. I realise we should be great friends because when I am new to a challenge, I will always respect your guidance. And of course the odd cliff – I definitely need you around those.
I have great news too! I have made new friends that I am sure you will approve of. Courage is awesome and the couple next door, Failure and Wisdom – how good are they!? I get them now, I really do. I have noticed that I need Wisdom close by when I hang out with Failure though.
I also understand and appreciate your friends Opinion and Criticism. They are all welcome now because I see they mean well and have helped me realise so much more about how I can do things differently and succeed.
Thank you for the very important role you play in my life, keeping me grounded and safe. And sorry for being so needy and attached, blaming you for my lack of confidence and boredom in my life. I am already noticing that I am getting the attention of someone new that you may be related to: Limitless. My gosh, very attractive! But I am not rushing into anything there either. I have learned that maybe Balance may end up being my kind of life partner. 😉
Yours sincerely,
P.S.: I began this letter wanting to break up with you and realised you had wanted to just be friends all along. Ha! Go figure. 🙂