You want more success? The key is relationships

When I created EP7 – Empowered for Purpose in 7 Steps – I didn’t know to what extent relationships would become central to it all. The obvious assumption is that of course relationships are going to be. However, how it showed up was powerful and it moved me deeply.

Everything as it turns out is based on relationships. Your relationship with yourself, your body, your ideas (before we even entertain other people like family, friends and a special partner).

In fact, our relationship with all environments, from people to the rest of nature defines our experiences.

After 5 years, 500-odd clients and in excess of 5,000 coaching hours in EP7 alone, I am grateful to have been immersed in what defines success: it’s relationships.

No matter what we achieve in life, if we don’t feel comfortable when we are alone, we always struggle with the relationship with ourselves. And this level of insecurity makes us feel too vulnerable and desperate to maintain attention, company and approval from others. This can be very draining on ourselves and others. Who wants to be that needy and be around needy people like that?

When we feel more balanced and can come from a place of opportunity to compliment each other and sense an effortless, purposeful belonging, we seem to experience love. You know that amazing sensation when you feel one with something – a oneness that overwhelms us with peace and joy.

Goals are easy when you love who you are, what you are about and have established a genuine sense of belonging with others. I have witnessed this as the fertile ground for goals to be easily realised because we are in a state of mind primed to thrive.

So when it came time to create an EP7 podcast channel, the decision to focus on relationships was quick and easy. We decided to dedicate the first series of podcasts to intimate relationships and how intimately this interconnects with your relationship with yourself. We look at bad habits and how we seal a relationship’s fate from the moment we begin it, what to do so we are in a position to find a suitable partner and what it means to grow together.

From there we plan to move into relationships at work, looking at management and colleagues. This is an exciting area for me because I have spent much time developing work cultures from office politics and into thriving ones which break records.

I also know we will cover the issues that come with family members we love but frustrate us. Here are where buttons seem to be pushed the most intensely and frequently and there is a way to be so it can flow the way it should.

Between the podcasts and the EP7 Official Facebook page where we will continue the conversation, the direction and topics of podcasts will be determined. In other words, your feedback and participation is going to shape where this goes.

And the whole point of the podcasts is not just to share insights and ideas to help us heal, create and improve relationships, but also allow our collective wisdom to be shared online as we address each topic.

If you would like company on the way to or from work or while you are potting about at home, here are links for you to subscribe to:

EP7 Official Facebook Page

Subscribe on iTunes – EP7 Podcast Channel

Access EP7 Podcast Channel Online

Then we hope you will jump online and share your thoughts as part of the empowered for purpose conversation.

Rachel Donovan, my co-host, and I are looking forward to your energy and wisdom.


My name is George Helou and I’m the founder of EP7 – Empowered for Purpose in 7 Steps. I am a best selling author, Life and Business Coach, Motivational Speaker, Work Culture Consultant. My latest book is Cinderellas Secrets – The Untold Story of Ella
Office is located in Subiaco, WA. 08 9380 8350.

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