During conflict, decisions are rarely effective from hearing one side of the story.
Imagination creates knowledge. Today’s science fictions is tomorrow’s facts. Anything is possible. This is why nurturing our imagination and that of our children is so important. There are many ways to exercise and expand your creativity so that your imagination can in turn be expanded.
….we get what we need without delay once our mind is aligned perfectly with acceptance of the desired experience.
Companies could be losing money if they are not managing their employees’ intellectual and emotional intelligence effectively.
If we weren’t locked into any paradigm framework with a total commitment to that reality as absolute, then we’d never…
Everything is alive. Nothing is still. Things only appear still because of the way our brain decodes data . All frequencies carry information and our brain’s core function is to decode and transmit them.
Its not easy to be self responsible. By not being responsible, we allow excuses and blame to disempower and sabotage our abilities.