

12 Feb: When you watch the “Nightly News”, spare a thought

So the content of terrorism, quakes, floods and fires, celebrity highs and lows, dogs in drains and cats up trees, interest rate rises and reductions, bargains and burglaries, new car models, malfunctions and accidents fill the half to full hour without any effort.


22 Aug: “Our most valuable resource is love. Our most vital tool is respect.”

Love connects us at our foundations – opens us up to a full exchange of the best we have to offer each other. Love facilitates selfless states where we become a part of a great connection and cause – a belonging that is so strong, it melts fear.

12 Mar: Overcoming Learning Difficulties Through Brain Training

“We can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it” – Albert Einstein. So what makes up a mind? It is the existing neural wiring throughout the 100 billion neurons that forms our paradigms and predetermines what we can perceive. By increasing our neural connections, we increase our glial cells that assist the process. Albert Einstein had a smaller brain than the average person, yet his glial count was incredibly high.

11 Dec: The 7 Key Steps to Empowerment, Purpose and Freedom

Since developing this framework, it has served my life and business coaching clients well. You can judge a process by how well it applies to any context and I am pleased to report, there is no context I have found, that is not served in the most profound way.